Dynamic Disposal: An Introduction to Mobile and Transportable Industrial Ammunition Demilitarization Equipment (RASR Issue Brief 3)
Dynamic Disposal: An Introduction to Mobile and Transportable Industrial Ammunition Demilitarization Equipment compiles unclassified information gathered by the Small Arms Survey at the NATO Support Agency's conference on Mobile Equipments for Ammunition Demilitarization (MEAD) in Capellen, Luxembourg, on 31 May 2012.
This Issue Brief aims to raise awareness about the technologies, capabilities, and limitations of mobile and transportable ammunition demilitarization equipment within the RASR community. Instead of reporting on the full catalogue of equipment and technologies, it mentions select examples of systems that are being currently marketed, undergoing prototype development, or are at the concept and design phase. These examples are listed not to foster commercial competition, but simply because certain data was available or provided by contractors at the time of writing. Readers should consult NSPA for further details of capability and capacity.
Also available in ALBANIAN, BCMS, and BULGARIAN.
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