Protective Measures: Local Security Arrangements in Greater Upper Nile (HSBA Issue Brief 23)
Protective Measures: Local Security Arrangements in Greater Upper Nile discusses the organization of Local security arrangements (LSAs) in Greater Upper Nile and their impact on local security dynamics in the region, drawing on original research conducted in Mayom county in Unity, Uror county in Jonglei, and Fashoda county in Upper Nile prior to the outbreak of widespread conflict in Greater Upper Nile. The tradition of LSAs in these areas was a factor leading to the rapid mobilization of armed youths at the outset of the recent crisis. In particular, this Issue Brief focuses on the complex ways in which LSAs reflect local security dynamics and cultural norms surrounding the role of youths in providing protection for their own communities. It describes the security environments in the case study areas, LSA structures and functions, and the impacts of the LSAs on security levels. In doing so, it considers state security policies and practices— including civilian disarmament campaigns—that influence LSA formation, as well some of the security dilemmas associated with LSAs.
Also available in ARABIC.
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