New Situation Update on the dynamics of firearms possession in Ukraine
Although overall crime victimization in Ukraine has remained relatively stable following Russia’s full-scale invasion, firearms are increasingly more likely to be used in crime. In late 2023, 11 per cent of surveyed victims of crime said a firearm was used in the crime incidents they experienced during the previous 12 months, up from 6 per cent a year earlier.
Locked but Loaded: Firearms Possession Dynamics in Ukraine—second of the Survey’s Situation Updates series on firearms possession and proliferation in Ukraine—builds on a series of general population surveys carried out between 2011 and December 2023. This Situation Update focuses on the evolving dynamics of firearms possession in Ukraine. It is is divided into two main sections: contextual background on perceptions of insecurity, the role of weapons, and the specific situation of combatants and veterans; and an examination of civilian firearms possession, including public perceptions of these weapons, civilians’ access to them, and public awareness and use of the new Unified Register of Weapons.
Read: Locked but Loaded: Firearms Possession Dynamics in Ukraine
For more, check out:
- From Conflict to Consequence: Nearly Half of Ukrainian Men Would Like to Own a Firearm, Or Already Have One (December 2023)—the first Situation Update in the series, which gauges the perceptions of the Ukrainian population regarding firearms
- Russia's War: Weighing the Human Cost in Ukraine (May 2023)—a blog post on the gendered effects of the invasion on civilians, whether it has influenced the availability of firearms, and its impact on pre-existing security concerns, such as violent crime.
- The Supporting Ukraine In Addressing The Risks Of Small Arms And Light Weapons Proliferation From The Russian War Of Aggression page
- Ukraine outputs in our Resource Library
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