Leading by Evidence: Recording Casualties and Global Violent Deaths
The Small Arms Survey and the Mission of the Netherlands warmly invite you to their joint Geneva Peace Week 2020 event on data-driven peacebuilding.
Solid policies come from solid data. Reliable evidence and rigorous methodologies need to inform interventions and feed into policymaking processes in order to be effective. As such, evidence-based interventions, including peacebuilding efforts, can enhance both the legitimacy and sustainability of such endeavors.
Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to build a better world, with SDG16 specifically promoting just, peaceful, and inclusive societies. To gauge the progress made towards this ambitious agenda, the international community works to measure it. Building on research conducted by Small Arms Survey experts and researchers, this session will offer critical and constructive insights that aim to further operationalize this Goal, in particular Target 16.1 that aims to ‘significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere’.
Please register in advance at this link.